Couch to Corporation For People Who Are Addicted to Doing Too Much

There are many people who do too much, keep too busy, spend all their time taking care of others and, in general do not take care of themselves. Many have crossed the line to compulsive, addictive, self-defeating behaviors and need to make some major changes in their lives.  How can workaholics, busyaholics, rushaholics and careaholics break these self-limiting behaviors and replace them with new ones? How do they escape the pull, recreate themselves and achieve meaningful change in their personal and professional lives?  Answering these and other challenging questions about changing for good are what this extraordinary course is about. 


 Course Details


 Audience/Who Should Attend:


  • L&D Professionals, HR VP’s, Directors, Managers, Department Heads
  • Anyone who wants to live a more balanced life will benefit greatly from this course.
    • Do you feel restless and disconnect if you’re not working on something? Do you find it hard to relax? 
    • Are you irritated when things don’t move fast enough and get done?
    • Do you get upset when you’re in situations you cannot control?
    • Are you angry when you or other people make mistakes or don’t meet your standards of perfection?  
    • Are other people’s needs ahead of your own or do you trust the wrong people?  
    • Do you give more thought, time, and energy to your work than you do to your relationships with loved ones and friends? 
    • Are you feeling that no matter what you do or how hard you try, you will never be enough? 
    • Do you believe that having more money, time, prestige, possessions will make everything all right? 

Course Description:


  • If you said ‘yes’ to some or all of these challenges, common approaches can’t solve them. The quick, easy, free advice scattered all over the internet will not work because these “solutions” are not grounded in principles that are sustainable over time. 
  • If you find you cannot stop these behaviors entirely, or you find you have little control over your recurring obsessive thoughts about them once they start—experiencing the same feelings again and again without ever resolving your issues or getting results, this unique transformational course may be your solution. It provides a design for living that can be used by participants to develop powerful inner strengths based on 12 Principles of Successful Transformation” ™ to permanently solve your problems. This unique course, will stir up some feelings, get you thinking, move, touch, and inspire you to change and will add to the quality and vitality of your life

Course Features


  • 13 Session Course Total (14.5 hours)
  • Connect Foundation Course (2.5 Hours) PLUS 12 (1 Hour) Virtual Workshops:
    • Connect Foundation – Who You Are; How You See Others